Formula - 1 in India

Posted by Ashutosh Tiwari Monday, September 7, 2009
This has been a hot topic of discussion in India and is currently in the news as the progress of Force India motor racing Formula-1 team, reached new heights in the last race held at Spa-Francorchamps circuit.Lately, we were informed that the sport will be arriving India in 2011 and all preparations are already being done but recently, sports minister was heard saying that we CANNOT afford such an expensive means of entertainment and denied from classifying it as a sport. Though we do not have much resources to promote F-1 in India, but the number of fans of the sport can be matched with any other country of the world. We will always welcome the advent of this highest class of motor sport racing in India. Now with a team that is owned by an Indian, we must also look forward to promoting it as a port in India. We have excellent drivers already of the sorts of Narain Kartikeyan and Karun Chandok, who have already proven their worth to the world. Without the support of the masses, we will never be able to get F-1 the sort of recognition that it requires to be promoted in India as a sport. I request you all to support me in this genuine cause of forming a consensus in favor of the advent of F-1 in India.


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